Hurray for Home!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hurry up and wait!!!

Hey everyone,
This is Christy writing under Mimi's name. We are in Little Rock now and have had a full day. Hayden seems to be feeling better from whatever hold this virus has had on his little body. I, on the other hand, feel tired and so weary. We are waiting for Dr's to clear him for any type of surgery and sedation for the MRI. This morning we met with Dr. Al-Mefty and we as a family felt good about him and his bedside manner. They were doing the staining on the pathology slides from Vanderbilt today. We still have no word on what they have found out. We also had blood work done and a chest xray to make sure there is no pneumonia present. Also still waiting on these results. Dr. Al-Mefty has said maybe surgery Tuesday of next week. Anesthesia thinks ideally we should wait 3 weeks from the time of infection to really make sure Hayden is feeling better. you can read we are waiting and quite frankly I am feeling pretty down. I wished I knew what the plan was. I have watched my precious child feel so poorly at times but yet most days he's still smiling! I want so much to make him feel better and have prayed for God to let me go through this pain that he has endured for the last 2 years. I am so proud of him; he is my hero! As we pulled in after the long day today, Hayden asked, "Are we done with the the doctors?" We said, "Yes for today we are." Hayden replied, "Have they made me feel better yet????" That broke my heart! We told him they are working on it. Please pray that God gives Hayden the strength and stamina to get through the days ahead. We are still praying for complete healing, I PRAY without surgery because I know my God is able; I, on the other hand, am feeling pretty weak but only through Him can my strength be renewed.

Thanks again for all the prayers and keep the comments coming!


San4God said...

As hard as it is to wait longer, we know God has a reason for this delay. I,too,am praying with you that God takes care of that tumor,without surgery.Hayden is very special to us. Please tell him thanks for me,for all the drawings. He is very artistic. I love everything he sends.We are praying that soon Hayden's request is answered and that He is completely healthy. He is blessed to have the terrific family that you are to him,for love and and prayers to him and everyone.

Julie said...

I read your post this morning and my heart hurts for your hearts. I walked down to our kennel this morning immediately after reading it and for some unknown reason(because Roddy would never have the radio on a Christian station) there was a Christian song and it was a version of "Be Still and Know I am God". So I think this is my message to you today: Be still and know He is God.
Hugs to Hayden,
Love and Prayers to all,
Julie Reynolds

Karen said...

Christy and family, what disappointment you all must feel at having to wait longer for Hayden's surgery. I pray God will speed things up, but only if that is what is best for Hayden, for your family, and for God's glory. Hang in there, knowing we pray constantly for Hayden's restored health and for strength for all of you. Although I've barely met you or David, because of your parents, I feel I know you. We love you all.

Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 43:1b-3a

barbara said...

Christy,we can image how hard it is to wait until Tuesday. Would it help if you came to stay here a few days? We have a large house so we could accomadate everyone I think. We live about 200 miles from Little Rock. Thate would help on meals and motel. Our phone is 479-389-8054. Our e-mail is The sooner you let me know the better.Barbara

Becky said...

Good Morning with many prayers and much love! I know this is so hard for each of you, and as human beings we all get weak, need to cry and fall short of understanding God's timing. Please know that many are praying for Hayden, Dr. Al-Mefty, his medical team and each of you.

Thank you for sharing this journey and allowing each of us to be your prayer warriors during this time.

My bible study today talked of the times that our hearts are so overwhelmed. I know this must be how each of you are feeling today as you "Hurry Up and Wait". I just pray that today will be a day filled with the abundant Grace of God and that his Love and Blessings will be ever so present for Hayden and each of you.


In his love, Becky and T.D. Watson

Jenna said...

Waiting is always hard. I know you've had to wait before, not necessarily like this, but you know exactly what I mean... God's timing is perfect! That's my favorite part in all of this. He's provided everything this family has needed from comforting words from strangers and a beautiful weekend ALL together to gas to get to Little Rock. Such small things in the great plan of God! Remember that God holds nothing back; He's there exactly when you need Him. And we are too. We continue to pray for renewed strength and mercy everyday. We love you so much, and wish we could be there.

To Heaven and back,
Jenna and Brian

Anonymous said...

I read your post first thing this morning and know that you all are so disappointed that Hayden has to wait for the surgery. My first thought was that God has a reason why the surgery shouldn't be done now. We don't know what that reason is but just trust God's timing. People everywhere are praying for Hayden and the whole family and I know God is hearing all those prayers and He is in control. Stay strong and keep holding on to Him!
Love, Darlene Holder

Anonymous said...

Hi Hayden!! I hope you liked the cards the Reece, Fuller, and I made for you! We hope that you are feeling better! We miss you lots and can't wait to see you! I know those doctors are going to make you all better real soon! Reece can't wait to play with you again!

Love You Bunches!

Spring 2009 said...

Christy, Hayden, and family,
I have been following your blog and will be praying for Hayden's recovery.
Amanda Schneider

Lynda said...

David, Christy & Family,
We heard from Mrs. Melba yesterday about the surgery being postponed and are so sad for you. Just wanted you all to know that you are in our prayers. If we can be of any help on this end, we are just a phone call away.
Trust God. He Can.
Have Faith. He Will.
God Bless, Gayle & Lynda

Wendy said...

I am praying for ya'll! So sorry I can't be with you this time around, but give Hayden a big hug for me. God is good all the time! Just know that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
God Bless,
Wendy Allen Apanco

Kelly said...

Just wanted you all to know I am thinking about you and praying for Hayden!

Take care!

Kelly McCormick

Sharon said...

Christy and family,

As I read your post my heart was breaking for you all. I could hardly see for the tears. I wish that I could change it all for you or give you answers, but I can't.
But I can say that God was not surprised by this delay. All I can say God had his reason for the delay. I pray that after the MRI there will not have to be surgery that the tumor is gone. God says in Isaiah 43:1-3 that when you pass through the waters he will be with you,when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. He promises that he will never leave us. He is the only true one we can trust. I wish that I could be there, not that I could make anything different, but I could hold you, cry with you and most of all fall on our knees and pray that Gods will be done.
I love you all and I am praying for Hayden and all of you for healing, peace, and comfort that only come from God.
I love You,


Larry, Patsy, and Larry Jr. Stokes said...

Just want you to know that we are praying for Hayden and the whole family. Hope everything goes well in the days ahead. God is in control, and He is so good!

thomas said...

Hi Dave, Christy, and Hayden. Hey, could you share Hayden's hospital room number, and where are you guys staying in L. Rock? I know it must be hard to have to wait to proceed. Our family, Dot and I, Howie and Tina, Courtney and Chandler keep you in our prayers. Psalm 121