Hurray for Home!

Monday, April 13, 2009

19 Treatments to go..

We had a good weekend, we hope you all did as well. We went to church with a family that their daughter is also having treatment. It was a very nice service, most of it was in Spanish. We wore headphones during the message so we could hear english. They did a dramatic presentation starting with the angel appearing to Mary saying she would be with child. It went on into Jesus as a young boy to healing the sick all the way into the death and resurrection. It was very beautiful to see and especially to hear all in Spanish.. I think Hayden enjoyed himself. Throughout the singing Hayden clapped the whole time even though he could not understand. I think it is beautiful to see people with so much passion for the Lord and uninhibited about it. We should be the same way, although sometimes we let what other people think determine how we act.
Hayden continues to do well. We are so pleased. We, are however getting homesick. We can't wait to see everyone and get back into a routine. We are very tired. It isn't so much physically but emotionally. Hayden having anesthia everyday and worrying about that to wishing we could all be together again. Thanks for all the prayers and your friendships, they mean so much!

Talk to you guys soon!



Anonymous said...

The church service sounded great. Thanks for sharing the details of it with us. I am sure you all miss being at home and in a normal routine. Prayfully that will be soon. Love you all, Ms Sandra

the tuckers said...

hey glad to hear that you all had a wonderful easter!!! i bet you are getting homesick!! we would love to c u all again!!! you all are in our prayers. it is great to hear that hayden is doing so well!!
love the tuckers

Kelly said...

Glad to hear you guys had a great Easter. Hope things continue on the positive path!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that your Easter was so blessed We had a terrific service too Hopefully y'all will soon be home and reunited as a family
You continue to be in my prayers several times a day and I know without a doubt that Jesus loves y'all so very much
Take care Give our brave little guy a hug for me
God bless
Love and prayers in Christ Jesus
Florence Morris
Osborne Baptist Church
Eden NC

Luke's Mom said...

Praying that God will continue to keep Hayden healthy and that he will give you the strength that you need to complete your stay there.

Love in Christ,

Anonymous said...

glad to hear that Hayden is still doing so well. I am also glad that you guys got to go to church. God is universal!! No matter what lanuage we all can worship him and you was able to see that also through the eyes of a child (Hayden). He clapped during praise and worship. He did'nt need to understand the lanuage, its what was in his heart. He understood what he need the most and that was God is real and He is loved by God.Still praying for all of you and I know that you can't wait to get home. It want be to long before you can see Mason, Donita said they were coming out.
Love you all,
Sharon G.