Hurray for Home!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Angels among us

Hey it's Christy sitting here in the waiting room waiting for my angelface to be done with this nasty tumor. We have just gotten an update on him and he is doing fine. they did not start really until about 11:45. I spoke with the neuro-resident and he said that they had a little trouble putting in the arterial line so it took a little longer to place this line so they could start. We have received 2 updates since then and he is doing well.
Thank you for all the prayers. They are surely sustaining us. Continue to lift us up! As David and I were with Hayden in pre-op he was pretty upset, strong but upset. As we were answering questions for Anesthesia he kept trying to get my attention, I bent down to listen and he said Moma is it gonna hurt? You see yesterday I was talking with him about things because My heart as a mother is breaking. I wanted to make sure he understood that putting him through this that we loved him. I have felt so helpless at times trying to protect him and hope that he felt only love and security. We only want to make him feel better! I got my confirmation Hayden knows exactly what's happening. I did pretty good keeping it together, I know that's God carrying us. That same nurse who was there in pre-op has checked on us periodically. She just brought a ballon with angels on it with a verse that reads "For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways" Psalm 91:11 She also saw the Anesthesiologist out in the hall and he said things were going really well!! Thank you Jesus! Thank you for sending your angels!
I hope I have made some sense with this update, I'm pretty tired.


Kelly said...

I am thinking of your family daily. I too am praying that God sees Hayden and all of you through this.

As I mom, I see where you are coming from to ensure that Hayden realized this pain is out of love. We want to bubble our children and keep them out of harm's way. Unfortunately, it can't always be helped.

Having God in your corner is a blessing!

Love and well wishes to all of you!


Anonymous said...

Hallelujah! Thank you for still thinking of all of us while you are going through your trials. I know you are tired, but thank you thank you thank you for the update. God is soooo good, and I look forward to hearing more good news later! With all our love.

(what a birthday present Donita!)

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord that God is in control and His hands are the ones actually doing the surgery through the doctors.What a wonderful nurse to bring a God given verse and ballon. I am contining in prayer with you all.Expecting great things with you for this precious child of God.Love you all.Thanks so muuh for the updated. Love, Ms Sandra

DeAnna said...

Hey Christy, I'm glad to hear that Hayden is doing well so far, Just wanted you to know that I'm praying for Hayden and you guy's. I also put him on the prayer chain @ church. My heart goes out to you Christy as a mom, I know that feeling of wanting to protect our kids of all hurt and pain but we can't always do that, but God can. I love you guys and I will keep praying.

Anonymous said...

All of the Stokes family have been praying for Hayden and your whole family. All you need remember, is that God is in control, and that He can take care of these things a lot better than we can. We just have to put our trust in Him. He will do what is best....

Sharon said...

Thank You Jesus for all you have done!!God has put angels all around each of you and like I said earlier, He is holding Hayden in his arms. Praise God for the nurse that gave you information and brought the balloon. Wow! does God have ways of bring his word to us. That was from him to let you know He was there with Hayden and all of you. I talked to Your Dad this afternoon for a little bit, but Jeremy beeped in and so I'm just waiting. But I know that God is going to do great thing through Hayden and all of the pain he has had to endure. God never lets a hurt not go unused.I am still praying and I Love YOU ALL!!
Sharon G.

Anonymous said...

Hey there family!!! I have had you all in my thoughts all day.
Christy and David I know that you guys are strong parents and thay Hayden is a tough little guy, so hang in there!
We love you all and we are thinking about you!
Amy and Olivia

Anonymous said...

Good to talk to you. I am so glad that Hayden is doing well. It seems that you have lots of angels hanging around there.
I will talk to you in the morning.
Love ya!!
Aunt Cindy & Uncle Ronny

Anonymous said...

May the Lord continue to guide the surgeons Heartfelt prayers have been going on all day and are continuing for all of you
Prayerfully in Christs' Name
F. Morris
Osborne Baptist Church
Eden NC

Anonymous said...

Hey David Christy Hayden and Mason.

we just read the update. Glad to hear that everyhting is going good so far. We are praying that God's will be done. you all are in our prayers we love you all.

the tuckers daniel hope and caden

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for keeping us updated. We are all praying for Hayden and your family. The blog site was emailed to all of our Mt Moriah prayer partners.

May God be with you and the medical staff as you all face this difficult time and may or prayers lift you up.
In Christian Love,
Your friends @ Mt Moriah Baptist Church, Lewisburg

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know we are still praying for ya'll. I know it's been a long day but maybe the night will pass off quick and tomorrow will be a great day!! Hayden has been on my mind and in my prayers all day. Can't wait to see them big eyes and that beautiful smile. I know God has a blessing in all this. God bless you all who are waiting patiently. Love, Rosie

Anonymous said...

Hey, Johnson family. We are grateful to hear that things are going well. We will continue to pray for Hayden and the entire family. Christy, I admire you for being so strong for him. As a mother I know that I would not have the strength. I know the strength comes from God. We love yall so much.

May God bless

Anonymous said...

Hi, We have been lifting everyone up in prayer. Just wanted you to know we are following you each step. Stay strong and know we love you. Charles and Patty

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the update. Sounds good so far. Looks like He has sent His angels to see you through this. Praise Him!!! We have had you and Hayden on our minds and in our prayers all day.
Rebecca came home this evening and said that she and her caregiver at Impact Center, Nita, said a prayer for Hayden at 8:30AM and read passages in the Bible for all of you. Speaking of angels, that is Rebecca. She is truly pure in spirit and she is directing all of that spirit to Hayden.
May God continue to guide the doctors and hold all of you in his mighty hands.
We love you!!
Ken, Cathy, and Rebecca

Anonymous said...

We love you all and are glad to get the updates. We are praying for all of you!
Walking in grace,
Brian and Jenna

jluna said...

Praise the Lord!!!!We are all praying for all of you stay strong and God will see you through. Love you and praying everyday Janet colton and Mike