Hurray for Home!

Monday, September 29, 2008

God give us strength

Today we have gone to see Dr. Al-Mefty to talk about what route they will take for surgery. He told us he would approach it through the mouth. This approach would expose the larger portion of the mass.Then if all goes well there would be another approach from the right side in a few days. It has been confirmed that it is a chordoma. This news we didn't want to hear but God has other plans and he will help us deal with it at this time. There is alot of apprehension at this time, knowing all the dangers involved with the surgery, we ask that all lift up prayers for us throughout the day tomorrow.
Surgery is schedule for 8:30 am Tuesday Sept., 30th.


Sharon said...

Just read your update. Know that there are a lot of people praying for Hayden and the whole family. God is in CONTROL. He knows your fear, heartache. I don't know what else to say except that I feel your hearts. I know that they are breaking, but God promised that he would never leave us. I pray for peace and comfort for the family as they have to wait. Just call his name Jesus.

Love you all!!
Sharon G.

Anonymous said...

hey guys, just wanted to let you know that i will be with you all day tomorrow mentally. Give my little man a big hug and kiss for me and tell him aunt babe needs some help on how to catch a softball. so he needs to show me love ya sis. babe

Anonymous said...

I hate that I can't be there with you guys tomorrow! Hayden is my special little "boyfriend"! Please know that my family and I will be thinking about you guys throughout the day.

Much love,

Anonymous said...

Y'all are in my most sincere prayers God bless and keep you and may He guide the doctors in their task Jesus is there keeping His promise to never leave or forsake us
Prayerfully in Christ
Florence Morris
Osborne Baptist Church
Eden N.C.

Anonymous said...

Just read your update. We are praying that God's will be done. We hope and pray that He will comfort all of you through this. We love you all. Love Daniel(Boone), Hope, and Caden

Sandy & Jessica said...

You all are in Jessica's prayers and mine. Know we lift you up to God and ask him to give each of you peace and strength.

Love ya,
Sandy and Jessica

Anonymous said...

Dave, Christy, and all:
Our hearts ache for all of you. Hopefully, you can find some kind of comfort in the fact that God has a plan and that there are hundreds of us out here praying for Hayden and you as well. I'll be praying for Him to guide Dr. Al-Mefty's hands and I also have to pray that He will guide Hayden's anesthesia providers while they care for him. I know that he will have the best of care!
Please tell Hayden that there are several fish in our lake with his name on them and they can't wait for him to catch them!!!!
We love you guys,
Ken and Cathy

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to say again we are praying for you guys. I can only imagine how your hearts hurt. But I do know a loving GOD who comforts all. What a blessing to know that HE is on your side.
Happy Birthday Donita. I am praying that GOD gives you that very "special" gift we discussed. Sending a big hug for all of you.
Love you bunches,
Mary Anna

Anonymous said...

So many people are praying for you, I hope you can feel these prayers, some from people who you've never met but are touched by your story. God is a great big God and I know this is in his plan even though we don't understand. As we went to bed tonight, Landon and Kenley prayed for Hayden and the doctors tomorrow. I hope God gives you a peace tomorrow that you can't understand. Love, Rosie

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the chordoma. You don't know me, but I am a fellow chordoma patient. I also had mine removed through the roof of the mouth, 6 years ago. Early on I found an excellent online group to help me with the questions and fears. It's called the "Chordoma support group" on I've heard lots of people on there comment about how good Dr Al-Mefty is, and I've read many chordoma reports that were written by him. I believe you're in good hands. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

To the whole family, I lift y'all up in prayer that any fear shall be cast away and that the holy wave of peace come upon you. This is not just your child, this is God's precious baby boy! How awesome is that. His grace is sufficient. I hope you can feel the angels surrounding you tomorrow with all the love and prayers from across the country holding you up, strong, in Jesus' name. I can't wait to hear the praise report! With all my love.

Anonymous said...

Just found out about your web-site.My heart goes out to you and I pray that all is going well.
