Hurray for Home!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Hi Folks,

Just wanted to update you on progress.....Hayden is really doing well over all. Last night Mimi stayed at hospital because Hayden had a big piece of tissue from tongue that was gaging him and we had to call ENT Dr. to come and remove this hunk of tisssue which he did. Hayden is having some major problems with medication withdrawals so I would like to give you some more prayer requests:

1)Pray that the Drs. can get meds regulated so Hayden can rest and not have the highs and lows and major meltdowns from withdrawals.
2)Hayden's tongue is still a problem.. Please pray that the swelling will subside and we will soon be able to get a swallow study done and all will be well and then we can get this trach out..
3)Christy and Dave spoke with Dr. Al-Mefty and he is going to talk with the Boston Dr. and see if they would be able to use the proton beam to get the rest of the tumor out. Which would mean another trip to Boston soon but it would also mean no more surgerys. Dr. Al-Mefty did not think that they needed to do stablelization sugery because he did not compromise any of the bone with the last surgery. But if he has to go back in and remove the rest of tumor he would have to stablelize the neck. So pray that the Drs will have clear vision on next step and we have a peace about the outcome whether it be surgery or proton beam.
4) Pray for rest for all....we are getting very tired of some of these things we are watching our little man go through.

But Praise God we are seeing Hayden in other ways like walking to progress in a positive way. God's always faithful to give us blessings when we feel low and He shows us His goodness when we trust Him with everything that is precious to us. And being the control freak I am God is teaching me that He and only He is in control.

Must close for now our little man is moving around again. Thanks again for all your prayers and word of encouragement and financial support. We love you all for taking time to pray and go on this roller coaster ride of a journey with us supporting us with your love. Thanks again.

Still Praising Him,


Anonymous said...

You are still in our prayers and thoughts. I am asking God to watch over Hayden but to also give you all a resting spirit that only He can give. Love Pam Warhurst

Anonymous said...

just read the update. still praying for you all. thanks for keping us updateed. the family sends their love prayers. love daniel, hope and caden

Anonymous said...

Hello Mimi,

We have you all close in our hearts and prayers today. We read and then print your post and give copies to others who we know will pray for Hayden. Your specific requests help us to know how to pray. We certainly do pray that you can get your much needed rest. It was wonderful to see Terry yesterday - it makes us anxious for our next time to all be together -when Hayden has this behind him and we can celebrate. Debbie Collins

Anonymous said...

It is good to hear that Hayden's walking is getting better. Will sure pray about the withdrawal effects from medication,the procedure at Boston, instead of more surgery. Also for you all,the tireness from emotional and physical effects on your bodies from all of this. We know God is in control. We see his almighty hand upon Hayden and all of you. However our bodies still tire. Especially at times like this,when we so much want Hayden to be done with all the ups and downs of this surgery and ready to go forth, and have Hayden well and home. Will be remembering all the reguests. Love you all, MS Sandra

Anonymous said...

Still praying for swelling to go down in Hayden's tongue and that all of you are able to get some rest. May you not have to endure another surgery but be able to proceed to Boston and finish up the long trips and get home. We love you all and continue to pray everyday, many times a day for each of you.